Digital Signage Blog

Allsee Upgrades to a 49 Inch High Brightness Monitor

Allsee Upgrades to a 49 Inch High Brightness Monitor

Since the launch of our High Brightness Professional Monitors just over three years, Window Displays have never had it so good. Allsee is now upgrading the 47” High Brightness Monitor to a 49” Monitor with a 0% increase in cost. The 49” monitors fall in line with the rest of the range with a brightness… Read More

Digital Signage CMS Webinar

Digital Signage CMS Webinar

Last week we conducted a webinar about “How to use and demonstrate the My Signage Portal Content Management System”. The live webinar was targeted at our partners and covered all of the features of the My Signage Portal CMS focusing specifically on how to demonstrate it.   In the below video Thomas Fraser-Bacon from Allsee… Read More

What is Digital Signage Software?

What is Digital Signage Software?

What is Digital Signage Software? Digital Signage software, or more commonly known as Digital Signage Content Management System (CMS), is the mechanism through which the content of a Digital Signage screens can be updated and managed. In a more broad sense, the term “Digital Signage software” can refer to the method in which Digital Signage… Read More

Allsee announces construction of New Warehouse and Office Facility

Allsee announces construction of New Warehouse and Office Facility

Allsee Technologies is underlining its growth plans with the announcement that construction is to start imminently on a new office and warehouse to accommodate for the company’s continued expansion into new markets. The new Allsee headquarters designed by PHD Architects is over 20,000 square feet and located within a stone’s throw from our previous offices… Read More

Why Choose an LCD Video Wall?

Why Choose an LCD Video Wall?

A Video Wall is usually the largest form of Digital Signage display. The ability to scale to large sizes means that Video Walls make an impact that can’t be ignored. Why should you choose a Video Wall though? This blog examines the reasons why Video Walls so good at what they do. Big Sizes: Thanks… Read More

Digital Signage: Consumer TVs vs. Commercial Displays

Digital Signage: Consumer TVs vs. Commercial Displays

What’s the difference between the screen in your living room and the screen showing train times at the station? This is the very core of the issue between consumer grade screens and commercial display screens. The mistake that many make is assuming that just because a consumer television and commercial display may seem aesthetically similar… Read More

How Touch Screens Can Benefit Retail Digital Signage

How Touch Screens Can Benefit Retail Digital Signage

E-commerce sales have exploded in recent years as shoppers turn to their laptops, smartphones and tablets to shop online. This has left retailers in a predicament as online sales will continue grow as sales in physicals stores drop. Retail is the biggest single sector in the Digital Signage industry, accounting for over a quarter of… Read More

The Next Generation of Digital Signage and Touch Screens – 2018

The Next Generation of Digital Signage and Touch Screens – 2018

Digital Signage is all about communication. The Digital Signage industry is now moving out of its infancy stage and begging to yield more sophisticated solutions and displays like our award winning All-in-One Digital Signage solutions. But what is next for Digital Signage and Touch Screens? In this blog I will investigate what is happening right… Read More