Wimborne Minster is a church set in the historic market town of Wimborne, Dorset. Originally built in Saxon times, it’s now the main Christian religious church for the town and surrounding villages. In November 2019, the church contacted Dacombes of Wimborne, a local AV specialist company, looking to digitalise their services for their congregation. The church wanted to incorporate digital screens for a better audience experience during sermons. First and foremost, they wanted to be able to use the screen as a monitor connected to a new camera system to give people in the side aisles a better view. They also wanted to be able to connect devices to other screens, such as staff members’ own laptops.
With the global pandemic forcing the world into lockdown in the first half of 2020, the total project was put on hiatus. It was only in June 2020, when lockdown was slowly starting to be lifted across the UK. . . .