Digital Signage Blog

Digital Signage: Plug and Play vs Network

Digital Signage: Plug and Play vs Network

Choosing whether to network your Digital Signage display or update it via USB plug and play affects the way your Digital Signage display is used greatly. We are asked many a time for which is the better solution. Now there is no definitive answer to this question as they both have their advantages. If you… Read More

How Secure Are My Digital Signage Displays?

How Secure Are My Digital Signage Displays?

Recently stories have appeared in the press about incidents of Digital Signage displays being ‘hacked’ into and nefarious content being displayed in public. For anyone with a Digital Signage display these stories will of course be of great interest. Just how secure is your Digital Signage? We want to let you know the best ways… Read More

Allsee Go to Buckingham Palace for the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Reception

Allsee Go to Buckingham Palace for the Queen’s Award for Enterprise Reception

Last Tuesday (11th July) our Managing Director, Dr. Baoli Zhao, and myself were cordially invited to spend the evening with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, along with other members of the Royal family, at Buckingham Palace for the Queen’s Award for Enterprise reception. As we drove though the main gates we were greeted by the… Read More

Improving Health and Safety with Digital Signage

Improving Health and Safety with Digital Signage

In workplaces up and down the country drawing up Health and Safety procedures is an important step for companies to take to protect the wellbeing of employees, visitors and customers. This is so when an accident does occur, whether big or small, everyone can feel safe in the knowledge that policies are in place to… Read More

4 Reasons Why Digital Signage Is the Perfect Solution for Transport Hubs

4 Reasons Why Digital Signage Is the Perfect Solution for Transport Hubs

With the whole world seemingly on the go, transport hubs are an important part of urban development and infrastructure. From airports to train stations, ferry ports to bus stops, millions of people are likely to pass through these terminals every day. Digital Signage can help a transport hub to run more efficiently for travellers and… Read More

Digital Signage – The Beginners Guide

Digital Signage – The Beginners Guide

Digital Signage is the newest and most engaging way to communicate your message but a lot of potential users are still in the dark about what it is. When asked to define Digital Signage, most of the general public might struggle to identify what it is and what the benefits are. You can be rest… Read More

3 Reasons Digital Signage Is Best for Restaurants

3 Reasons Digital Signage Is Best for Restaurants

If you were to walk into any modern fast food chain or restaurant, there is a fairly high chance that you would find Digital Signage screens displaying the menu. Over the past 10 years the quick service restaurant (QSR) sector has seen a move away from dated handwritten menus and light boxes towards Digital Signage… Read More

Create Your Own Content for Digital Signage for Free

Create Your Own Content for Digital Signage for Free

Creating fresh and original Digital Signage content is a key way to keep your audience engaged.  Generating your own content and then regularly updating it allows your Digital Signage to fulfil its potential and not leave spectators bored. Original content creation isn’t that difficult either; absolutely anyone can do it. You don’t need to spend… Read More