Digital Signage Blog

Digital Signage Case Study – Mercedes-Benz

Digital Signage Case Study – Mercedes-Benz

Background Mercedes-Benz is a luxury car manufacturer that was originally founded in Germany in 1886. Today they are one of the world’s premier automobile brands. They have over 140 branches throughout the UK. These locations offer a variety of services from selling new and used vehicles, offering servicing on Mercedes-Benz cars and accommodating performance centres… Read More

What is Digital Signage?

What is Digital Signage?

There is no simple way to define Digital Signage. Basically it is a way of communicating messages and/or information. The term Digital Signage can mean many things to different people. Some will consider it a type of screen, some will say it’s a type of software or media player, others will say it’s all three.… Read More

The A to Z of Digital Signage: L is for LCD

The A to Z of Digital Signage: L is for LCD

Everyone has heard of LCD technology as it is featured in calculators, computer monitors, smartphones and tablets, domestic televisions and most importantly Digital Signage; but what is it?   LCD, which stands for liquid crystal display, is a flat-panel technology that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. The LCD panel is made up of… Read More

Digital Signage Guest Blog – A Case Study on the Effectiveness of Point of Sale Signage

Digital Signage Guest Blog – A Case Study on the Effectiveness of Point of Sale Signage

Editor’s note: This is a guest blog by Stan Tan of Selby’s – Australia’s leading specialist manufacturer of event branding solutions and fabric displays. With the rise of eCommerce and Amazon, offline retail sales is going through a rough time. Add China on top of that and it is a nightmare. Sears stock was at… Read More

The A to Z of Digital Signage: K is for Kiosk

The A to Z of Digital Signage: K is for Kiosk

When it comes to Digital Signage the term “kiosk” usually describes a freestanding display, which can be a touch screen or a passive non-touch screen, with an integrated PC or media player used for wayfinding, data capture, ordering, advertising or general information dissemination.   Kiosks currently hold the largest market share of the global Digital… Read More

The A to Z of Digital Signage: J is for JPEG

The A to Z of Digital Signage: J is for JPEG

Images and videos are the most common forms of content for Digital Signage and the best image format to use, to achieve the best balance between quality and file size, are JPEG images. JPEG (which stands for “Joint Photographic Experts Group”, the name of the committee that created the standard) is one of the most… Read More

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 2)

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 2)

This is the second part of our blog on how to sell Digital Signage to your boss. To read part 1 of this blog, please click here. Lower the risk Bosses will only take calculated risks. Ideally they want sure-fire solutions so thanks to ingenuity of Digital Signage you can lower the risk with your projects… Read More

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 1)

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 1)

Not everyone can see the potential of a new technology at first; fear of change from the status quo can stop people from making decisions that could benefit their company. Managers and bosses are the people you might need to convince if your company is really going to get the benefits from Digital Signage. In… Read More