Digital Signage Blog

Digital Signage Case Study – iBroke My Gadget

Digital Signage Case Study – iBroke My Gadget

Background iBroke My Gadget is a gadget repair specialist originally founded in 2005 as a local mobile phone contract provider. It was during this early stage of the business that the company gained a vast amount of knowledge about repairing devices. This lead to the company’s expansion with the first purpose built gadget repair shop… Read More

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 2)

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 2)

This is the second part of our blog on how to sell Digital Signage to your boss. To read part 1 of this blog, please click here. Lower the risk Bosses will only take calculated risks. Ideally they want sure-fire solutions so thanks to ingenuity of Digital Signage you can lower the risk with your projects… Read More

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 1)

How to sell Digital Signage to your boss (Part 1)

Not everyone can see the potential of a new technology at first; fear of change from the status quo can stop people from making decisions that could benefit their company. Managers and bosses are the people you might need to convince if your company is really going to get the benefits from Digital Signage. In… Read More

How Touch Screen Mirrors Change the Shopping Experience

How Touch Screen Mirrors Change the Shopping Experience

In the age of online shopping it is surprising to learn that most customers still prefer to shop in store rather than online[1]. With stories constantly in the press about failing high street brands it’s easy to assume that online shopping is the future of retail. If you look at the statistics though this simply… Read More

Allsee Upgrades to a 49 Inch High Brightness Monitor

Allsee Upgrades to a 49 Inch High Brightness Monitor

Since the launch of our High Brightness Professional Monitors just over three years, Window Displays have never had it so good. Allsee is now upgrading the 47” High Brightness Monitor to a 49” Monitor with a 0% increase in cost. The 49” monitors fall in line with the rest of the range with a brightness… Read More

The A to Z of Digital Signage: I is for IP Rating

The A to Z of Digital Signage: I is for IP Rating

If you are looking for a Digital Signage solution that is to be used in an outdoor environment then you will need to consider what IP rating is required.   IP stands for International Protection (or Ingress Protection) and indicates how much protection something has against two external factors – dust and water. For indoor… Read More

Digital Signage CMS Webinar

Digital Signage CMS Webinar

Last week we conducted a webinar about “How to use and demonstrate the My Signage Portal Content Management System”. The live webinar was targeted at our partners and covered all of the features of the My Signage Portal CMS focusing specifically on how to demonstrate it.   In the below video Thomas Fraser-Bacon from Allsee… Read More

The A to Z of Digital Signage: H is for HDMI

The A to Z of Digital Signage: H is for HDMI

HDMI stands for High-Definition Multimedia Interface and is a proprietary audio/video interface for transmitting digital video and audio signal from an HDMI-compliant source device, such as a PC or media player, to a monitor, video projector, digital television, or digital audio device. Over the last decade HDMI has become the biggest digital replacement for analogue… Read More